Wednesday, July 12, 2023


Good morning happy Wednesday! It took me about an hour this morning to do my 2 days of emails I missed from work. How pathetic lol.

Sunday Melissa, Eric and I made our way to Reno. They drove so that was nice. We took the back roads to and from so it was a nice ride both ways. 

On the way there we stopped in Ione to eat breakfast or lunch whichever sounded good. I searched for places to eat and this place called Caddy's showed up. The pictures looked good so we tried it out. It was at a golf course but we were like it's ok we'll try it. When the girl said she didn't have any menus that should have been a clue for us to leave lol. Then they didn't have any clean coffee cups so that was our 2nd warning. After about an hour we finally got food which was burnt :( How disappointing. No use sending it back we didn't want to wait another hour. 

It was pretty but eh. 

We made to to the casino (Grand Sierra Resort) and walked around. We found a kids play place area that would be good for littles.

We mostly just hung out. Eventually Melissa and I had Round Table for dinner and Eric had Johnny Rockets. After dinner we went to a Saver's thrift store since they were open til 8. Trevor has a little collection of A & W Mugs and I found a bunch so sent him a picture to see if he wanted any. I also got some vintage linens still in the packages. I need to go get them and see if they are worth reselling.  After we got back I went by myself down to the casino and made a little donation lol

In the morning I went to take a shower  and there weren't any big towels. Weird. I messaged the hotel and asked for some and then they asked if there was anything else and I was like our room is kind of warm. So we ended up getting a different room. Only a minor inconvenience to not be hot. Much better!

Breakfast at the Casino Cafe! So good!

We spent the morning and early afternoon going to antique stores. We didn't buy anything but it was fun looking. This is a cute way to package trims and ribbons. 

This store was a lot of fun! There was even a Grandma's sewing closet area. Unfortunately Grandma decided to be working in there and was in the way of me being able to shop. You'd think she'd at least move over while someone was in there. 

I saw this at another store, I had this doll. She was fun.

We got back and Melissa and I went and got massages. The gal asked me if it was my first time getting a massage. I must have looked a bit poor since I was wearing a t shirt and comfy shorts lol I was like no I get them all the time. I got a deep tissue massage. It was almost as good as the guys from the mall but not quite. I'm so sad they are closed now. 

Hydrating with a mudslide after. Probably not the best choice lol. The kids went and checked out the pool for about an hour and then we went to Applebees for dinner. After that it was sleepy time. I think I slept more the last few days than I did for like the last month. 

We went to the crepe place for breakfast on the way out. I got a savory one this time and Melissa got the sweet tooth. Mine had eggs, bacon, avocado, spinach (I'd probably leave that off the next time). 

We took Highway 108 home. It was so pretty! There was a lot of burned areas though. So sad all the trees and then there were some house remnants where some had burned out. 

We stopped at this waterfall. Eric was sitting farther down and Melissa went to go near him and cut her hand on a piece of glass Thankfully it wasn't too bad but it is right where her finger meets her hand so not a great spot. 

It was a little windy lol

At like 9000 feet we were driving through what was last of the snow. 

more burned trees

We got home in time for me to go to darts so that was good. I sucked for the first couple games but finally started doing a bit better and actually won a game. I got one low ton too. 

This weekend is going to be HOT. Yuck. We won't be doing anything outside it looks like. 

That's all the excitement around here for today!


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