Thursday, June 29, 2023


Good morning happy whatever day it is. Oh wait it's Thursday!

Way back on Monday night I made this Spinach Pasta dish for dinner. Does anyone else's stores no longer have chopped frozen spinach in the box? Every since Covid they don't have that anymore at my store. I had to buy a bag of it. Also my cheap store doesn't have the fancy chive cream cheese so I just used regular and it was fine.

Tuesday morning I had Trevor drive me to work so I could take the work car to Monterey for our area meeting. I get into the car I reserved and it is so disgustingly dirty outside. I can barely see through the window so do the wipers and the wipers are shredded. NICE! So I ended up just buying a car wash for it with my own money so I could see and wouldn't be embarrassed driving it. I haven't drove a work car in so long I'm not sure which place we can get a car wash from with the gov'ment card. 

I hit McD's on my way out of town and then drove the two hours there.  I followed this thing for like 20 minutes on a no passing 2 lane road. At one point the tractor tires on the right were almost touching the ground. Talk about sketchy!

After I finally got there just after 11 I see that we were supposed to bring our own lunch to eat from 11-12. Nice! I could have taken my time a little longer and probably should have planned something for lunch. I ended up running out on one of the breaks around 3 and getting a tiny sandwich for $12 from the hotel store.

I sat next to this gal who is a friend of my friend so we've hung out together before. That was nice to be called over and told to sit next to her.

This was the longest 45 minutes of the whole thing. The area boss (my bosses boss) is so into these rules. I've had them emailed to me at least twice and he went through and read them all. SNORE. Like Jesus if you are a rule breaker him reading to you for 45 minutes isn't going to change anything.

After that we had a lot of stuff I already forgot then they finally let us go for the day at like almost 5. My phone was totally dead so I got my room key, booked it to the car which was in a garage down the street a big and got my luggage, then went and plugged in my phone for like 5 minutes before going back town to meet my office co workers for dinner. 

We went down to the fisherman's wharf. The hotel is almost on the wharf so we just walked there. Super nice. Scott and I always stayed at the cheapy hotels when we were in the area but it would be nice to stay here for ourselves.

My $70 dinner minus the cup of clam chowder and the tip. I can't even remember the name of where we ate. Something crab lol. Every time we go there the names of the restaurants are different. I was too full to finish it all so took 1/2 the steak and some veggies back to the hotel but didn't end up eating it.

View from the table

We walked down the wharf after. It was Grace's 60th birthday. She is the one person in our agency who I have worked with the whole time I've worked in the office. So I've known her 17 years in August. 

This was our dinner dates lol. Lisa with the darker glasses has been my boss 2x but isn't my boss at the moment. The rest are kids lol. Could be all their mothers ;)

After the wharf we walked around the little famer's market that was across from the hotel. I didn't buy anything because I was stuffed. Then we just went back to the hotel and I was going to watch TV but got annoyed with all the commercials so just played on my phone and crashed out hella early.

The hotel room was nice 

I was on the 4th floor but these windows looked out onto the street (through some bushes) with people walking by so they got closed.

I just saw a tik tok about a girl who got bedbugs from a fabric headboard so I was like ewww lol. But I think it was ok.

The maid left her dust rag. At least I hope it was the maids lol. I didn't touch it.

The next morning I some how was running late so didn't get any breakfast but they had coffee and someone brought homemade cookies so that's what I had. We were done by 12. They spent a big chunk of the morning handing out 2 year old awards that never got done because of Covid. I didn't get one but I think I got the 5 year one they were handing out back in 2020 when we had our state meeting. People got pins and I'm like did I get a pin? What did I do with the pin??? lol I'm pretty sure the award is in my work desk.

Right before the meeting was over I went to the bathroom and saw Aunt Flo came early for the party. Man she is so rude messing up all my vacations. I didn't even bring any pads since I was thinking she wasn't due for awhile so after the meeting I had to run to the store and buy some for the ride home. 

I found this teriyaki bowl place for lunch so got fueled up for the ride home. I was starving so got the big bowl and ended up eating part of it later for dinner too.

Today's plan hmmm I have 2 eBay packages to mail out. I really need to go to the grocery store so will probably end up doing that. That's about it. Nothing too exciting.

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