Sunday, May 28, 2023


Hello happy Sunday! So nice we have one more day off after today. I've been a little productive today getting the laundry going and picking some stuff up. The kids will be here later so I still have to vacuum and clean off the kitchen table. I want to get all the laundry done before our trip. Need to get that mess cleaned up. 

Friday night Scott and I went to a late night dinner at La Villa. Scott was so frustrated that his mom lost her lower teeth. He can't find them anywhere. She's just going to have to eat soft stuff I guess. I knew it was going to happen eventually since she always lost them and he had dug them out of her garbage a few times. I don't know if she could handle going to the dentist to get another bottom set. 

This is how I know Scott was here. He never shuts a damn drawer. Drives me nuts. Also I need to replace this cabinet with something nicer since I have never got around to painting it and probably won't. 

Saturday morning I went and watched my nephew's last baseball game. I don't think they won but he put in a good effort lol.

After that I went to lunch with my mom. I thought I took a picture of my lunch but I guess not. I was full ALL day after. I got a mushroom burger and onion rings at Moo Moo's burgers.

Got home and Scott and I went to get him a new phone. He went from a 6 to a 14. He's been complaining this morning about updating his apps and stuff. Fun. 

After that we went to Wal Mart to get him a case for his phone and got a few other things and then went to Winco. Came home and worked on our trip stuff some more. We finally have a route. I booked hotels for all but the last night.

Saturday Reno
Sunday Boise
Monday Montana outside of Yellowstone
Tuesday Cody Wyoming
Wednesday Jackson Hole
Thursday probably Winnemucca
Friday we'll be home!

I'm getting really excited about going!

I gave Scott two jobs for the weekend which is about 1/2 way over and he still hasn't done them. Get busy already! #1 is to change the oil in the car and look it all over in case we need to do anything before the trip. I was like you should go do that before it gets hot. "I will". 

I didn't work on my garlands at all yesterday. I got all the red stars sewn on. Need to finish doing the blue ones. 

It's almost time to change the laundry again already!

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