Friday, April 7, 2023


Hello Happy Friday!
Work today was pretty much non existent except for looking one thing up for someone and doing my time card. Yesterday I worked on thinning out my fabrics some more. I have been cutting the fabrics that I still like in 1/2 (for the most part) and then made a pile to sell the rest. Here is where I started.

I sold probably 2/3's of it. I have 3 packages not pictured waiting for payment.

I went and picked up my next project to work on after I finish posting the thread. I will share that tomorrow though!

Now I need to straighten out my shopping list and go buy all the stuff for Easter.

Last night at darts I pretty much sucked but I did manage to hit the right number to win the last team game for us. So that was nice. I need to go down and practice some more. I miss Cassi being here to hang out and play with.

My dad had his surgery today and did well! So that is good news. 

Ok now to figure out my shopping list. Jessica put most of it together I just need to organize it. Then I have to clean out my car of my score today!

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