Thursday, April 6, 2023


Good morning happy DARTS Thursday. I hope I don't suck this week haha.

Last night I made these Crock Pot Ranch Pork Chops for dinner. I just realized I forgot to put the butter on top like the recipe says. Whoops. they were still good.

I finished off the pack of paper clips I had (I think it was 4 short of 100, cheaters!) and packed them all up.

Just a few. Might put the hang tag things on them for my display rack but so far I didn't.

Simon is outside playing for the first time since her surgery. She's having fun. She was making some noise so I went out there and she was teasing me running away. She was beating me up this morning so I put her out there lol.

My interview went pretty good I think. There is only one position though so hopefully they don't have someone more qualified or a buddy lol. Definitely all remote but they do sometimes go out in the field and go to events. Davis is where the office is.  If I don't get it it is no big deal but at least I tried haha. Even put on lipstick (hate that stuff!)

My dad called this morning and said they are doing his surgery tomorrow. He will be having a triple bypass. Sheesh. Hope it all goes ok. He was pretty chatty and sounded good.

I sold a few more spools of thread yesterday so up to 205 sold. I started pulling out more fabric to sell from my stash so I guess I'll work on that today. I'm starting to want to go out and work in the yard a bit. Might have to take my lap top out there and keep it alive there haha. Maybe some plastic wrap over the keyboard so I can wake it up when it goes to sleep over and over. I'm helping a girl in another office today since something happened with her husband. Got 2 payments started. more than I've done for my 5 offices this week lol.

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