Monday, April 3, 2023


Good morning happy Monday! We made it through another day of babysitting yesterday lol. They were pretty good yesterday.

Daniel has figured out how to open the door knob to my sewing room so I am going to have to get a child lock for it. I was feeding the baby and I thought he was in the living room with Scott when he brings me a picture he took off Trevor's poster board in my sewing room. It was a picture of all of us from his 8th grade grad so I thought that was cute that he liked that one lol.

This tub makes a great chair apparently. He'd like to stand on it too but he got told no multiple times.

I made this soup in the crock pot for dinner and grilled cheese to go with it. I thought this was the soup recipe I made recently but after I made it I was thinking this is a pretty lack luster soup with only chicken, onions and corn in it lol. It was missing some beans for sure. 

Daniel didn't want anything to do with dinner but Rosie had some grilled cheese and her veggie baby food in the pouch. Man those are so nice she can just feed herself lol. Sucked that thing dry. They are a big plastic waste though so that isn't good.

Daniel was so tired and finally gave in. Rusty took that opportunity to snuggle with him. He had kicked him off all day when he tried to lay next to him.

Rosie had a great time playing on the floor. I had to tape roller her like 5 times in her little black leggings. And yes I did vacuum first.

When her brother was sleeping she watched Go Dog Go and rolled & crawled around. They love that show.

I took Simon's cone off so she wouldn't wipe out the baby when she tried to kiss her. She's had it off now and has been doing fine. She's just about healed up and ready to go dig up the yard again. 

My aunt posted this picture of me yesterday. I've never seen it. Look how cute I am ;)

When I was thrifting last week I picked up these stabilizer rolls. I looked them up in the store since I wasn't familiar with them and decided to take a chance on these at $5 a roll. I decided to put them on the Facebook group at $20-$25 a roll. A lady messaged me that she wanted them all. With what I had listed they would have been $170 so I told her how about $150 plus shipping and she bought them all! So $40 to $150. Go me! I'm half tempted to go back and see if the remaining ones are still there. I think I had bought all the Baby Lock brand but not entirely sure. 

I also listed 10 lots of 10 spools of thread and sold 7 out of the 10 lots yesterday. So one more and I will have made my money back on those. I am going to list 10 more lots today.

I just got a call for an INTERVIEW for the job I applied for. Wooohoooo exciting and scary all at once. I have it on Wednesday at 2 online I'm sure. He said he'd send an email with instructions. 

Tonight I have bunco so I have to go to town and drop off my big boxes to mail and then get something to take to the game. I'm thinking I'll get a pack of the fried chicken they have at Winco, that is always good.  Guess I should shower too lol. Need to do some laundry also since all the good clothes are dirty ;)


  1. You sure were cute!
    I just came inside from spray painting a storm door.
    This lady had white ones on a black door and all the accents to the house are black. I am now painting it back. Looks so much better!!
    But hole pollen right now. My green car is yellow as is my black front door!!

  2. @Peg, that pollen sounds painful! I wish I could put a storm door or screen on my front door but it's an odd height (short) so I'd have to get it custom made.


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