Thursday, April 27, 2023


 Good morning happy Thursday! 

I watched the kids for a couple hours yesterday, Rosie is crawling all over. It won't be long til she is standing up and cruising around the furniture. She had put her foot under her for a second and I thought she was going to do it but then she changed her mind.

She crawled into my room and looked at herself in the mirror

Took a spin in her bouncer. Might be the last time, she was getting mad she couldn't move around in it.

I think Tubz will be sad when I put it away haha. She thinks it is hers and jumped in after they left. She sat in there for hours. So funny!

I might go into work for a little bit. I have a bunch of letters to mail out and can't get my work computer to print to my printer. Might be a little nice to get out of the house too.

Today was the first morning I didn't wake up to eBay pattern sales. I'm down to the cut patterns to list. I'm doing lots of the ones I had offered up on the Facebook group on my eBay now, just putting they are sold unchecked and as is. We'll see if any sell. Eventually I will either go through them or donate them if they don't. It just takes way too long to go through and check all the pieces. I feel like I have to iron them and make them pretty while I do it so that takes extra long ;)
I have 12 boxes of the more valuable mostly very vintage patterns I haven't offered up anywhere to go through again but I'm going to wait until after the Lodi Street Fair to get into those. Once I get done with my stack I'm working on now I want to whip up a few more things for my booth. 


Due to the huge amounts of Anonymous spam comments I'm going to try the verification for a bit. Sorry, I know it's annoying!