Sunday, April 2, 2023


Good morning happy Sunday! 
I have 3hrs and 15 minutes before clean up time and the kids come over. Must use it wisely haha.

I took a picture of how Scott got the car loaded so I could make sure and get it all back in there. I ended up doing it a bit different but it all made it back home. 

There was supposed to be like 15 vendors at this event but there ended up only being 5 and a food vendor. The event was over at 3 but everyone was pretty much out of there by that time but me because it takes me longer to pack up all these little things. I had a lady stop and buy 2 tote bags while I was cleaning up so it pays to be slow haha.

She bought these two bags, labors of love ;)

Here's my booth along the highway. I ended up being by myself over there but it was ok. It was a little windy but nothing too bad. The booth fee was only like $25 so it was like a freebee almost. 

I keep a little tally of stuff I sell for fun. I might miss something here or there but I sold 

26 cup cozies (still selling them off at $1)
17 zip bags
7 keychains
1 tissue
1 wine bag
1 make up bag
2 coin purses

I made over $200 so not too bad of a way to spend a Saturday. It was pretty relaxing other than the trying to hurry up and pack part. 

Tacos for lunch from the food vendor. I was going to get fancy nachos but they didn't have the cheese going.

Saw this on the way home. When is the last time you saw a Geo Metro? I remember when those were all the rage.

I came home and had a little rest and then we went to sushi. Look how pretty all on the plate. 

We got the stuffed mushroom appetizer too but they brought it out after the food.

After we just came home so Scott could go feed his mom some food she just complained about. He wasn't a happy camper ;) Poor guy! She told him she doesn't like eggs and never did even though that was one of the only things she would eat for awhile. She'll probably forget about that in a day or two though.

Today's plan? Clean at 12 then babysit. Pass out after they go home probably. 
Puttering around in my sewing room until clean up time. I wish I didn't have to log into work tomorrow. It was nice having 5 days off from trying to keep my computer on all day with very few things to actually work on. 


  1. We take photos of the inside of our car so we don't forget how to pack it all back in too. lol
    I'll have to do new photos now that we are going to use the roof box. You did fairly well at the market. Well done.

  2. @Chris, one time I almost couldn't get everything back in after an event. That was stressful lol


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