Saturday, March 18, 2023


Good morning happy Saturday!

Scott and I had a grocery shopping date last night. We went to Applebees and had a green drink first. That was fun lol. I picked him up and dropped him off at his mom's house. He is so over being there. 

Jess got the kids in their green outfits yesterday. 

In the morning

later in the day she said he was being grouchy lol

love this one


My old boss said she saw this and thought of me. I always doodle during meetings just like this lol. She said I could have a side job of teaching people how to do it. Jessica said I don't need anymore side hustles ;) If you read it it says how it helps you pay attention. See I'm not crazy haha.

Yesterday's mail. Whoopsie haha. Great fabrics though. Finally got the Lisa Frank ones I was excited about.

I got 2 more bags done yesterday. I have 4 left to sew in my cut out pile. Love this one!

and this one too!

I sold one of the ones I posted yesterday.  The flower one. So that is exciting :) Nothing better than making something from fabric you've had forever and someone wanting it.

I had to take Rusty to vet to get his stitches out. He was doing so good but now he's a little bit sore I think. He was finally getting to where he didn't leave any messes when he was laying down but they "cleaned things up" and now he's got a few little bloody spots again. When we were done we left and then a couple hours later they called and said I didn't pay. I was like oh no one said I had to pay lol. I thought it was part of my previous $600 since it was a follow up. Oh well paid over the phone another $75 sheesh.  After we left the vet I got lunch for Trevor and I and a cheeseburger for Rusty. He loved it on the way home and didn't want to get out of the car when we got there. So funny! I guess I'll have to take him for more rides.

Today we have the twins 9th birthday! Crazy they are that old already. Neither one cares one bit about me but we are going to the party anyways. I am going to bring Daniel with us. Then tonight we have the St. Patty's dinner at the clubhouse. I have about 2 more hours of messing around then I have to take a shower and get ready. I think I am going to work on getting some stuff ready for my whatnot sale next Friday for a bit.


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