Friday, March 17, 2023


Good morning happy FriYEAH!  

Happy St. Patrick's Day from my mom's cat! I told her she's going to need more band aid's. He's always attack loving her. 

Today I have to take Rusty to the vet at 2. He seems to have healed nicely so hopefully that's the end of that! He still has a little bit of medicine left to take but we're almost there.

Yesterday was a 2 bag sewing day. I got this Egyptian one done. It was some kind of table cover in it's former life. 

and this one was also a table cloth I think. It is the one that said 1974 on the salvage that was hemmed into it.  I have to unpick the closure inside and fish out the straight pin that I found when I was ironing it. Doh! Hate that. 

I think I put the pocket too high up on this one but it's done so just a note for myself for next time. 

I had my darts award thing last night. I ran to Costco and got a thing of cooked shrimp to take. Everyone ate them so that was good!  I think our team came in 5th place and I got about $50 in award money I think. Not too shabby. Our first game for the new season is next Tuesday.

I got the mail while I was out and cough. That's a bit embarrassing! My whatnot shopping haha. A couple were things I won so they were free though. That makes it ok right? lol

I was most excited about this stuff. I actually fell asleep watching this gal's auction last week. She just kept digging through a bin and would pull out these vintage flowers and sell them for like $3 a yard. What? Give me all of them. She was on again last night but I just caught the tail end of it so didn't buy anything. 

I'm still waiting for a package with some other fun stuff. The woman mixed up our packages and so I'm waiting patiently to receive the correct one. It says maybe today or tomorrow. 

I had one email of something to do this morning that I saved from like 3:30 yesterday. Got that done already. I got an email for the job I applied for yesterday too. It said I qualify for the job and that someone might call me for an interview if they select it for that. So that was nice! One hurdle jumped. I told my mom if I don't get this job it's a sign from God he just wants me to sew ;) Also that I might need to get a van or something to cart all this inventory to the craft shows. She said good then she can take her cart for shopping haha. (I keep telling her she can't buy anything because there is no room in the car when she goes with me ;))


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