Friday, February 17, 2023


Good morning happy 4 day weekend Friday! So glad to have today off. Would be nice if I was actually going somewhere fun but it's ok.

The other day I finished the top part of this with my 1 1/2" scraps. I'm going to use this as a placemat for myself. Just need to put a back on it. 

With my 2" squares I decided to just make them into a runner. That wasn't my first idea so they aren't as mixed up as they could be but it is still fun for little pieces I almost threw away. I need to get some spray adhesive to put the backing on. 

I don't think I ever posted my finished garlands so here is a few. I ended up making 16 of them. 3 are sold (one paid for) so 13 to go lol

I actually made it into the office yesterday. I finished changing some old folders over (I had started before they changed my job) and worked on shredding old papers but didn't get real far since the tiny shredder takes forever and then overheats. Then I did some work for the girl that has my old office. Everyone is so behind and I'm like what have you been doing this whole time lol. I'm over here done and bored.

After work I hit a few thrift stores but didn't buy much. I went to the bar for dinner and one of my friends was like did you know your sweater is ripped? Nice! How long was it like that? I wore it all day lol. Luckily it is just the seam so I can fix it easily. 

No plans until darts tonight. I need to put away my laundry that Trevor brought in for me. I hate that part. Actually I hate all parts of doing laundry.

I think I am going to work on putting more of those needles on eBay. So far I have only sold one on there but I sold that one for $10 so that was a good amount. I might adjust the prices after a bit.

Ok off to find my coffee!


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