Wednesday, February 1, 2023


Good morning happy Wednesday! Trevor has a cold so now I have that to look forward to :( The kids were a little sick when they came over for Sunday so that's probably where it came from since he hasn't left the except to go to lunch the other day for like 2 hours.

Still catching up on my Davis trip! 
Thursday we had Chinese food for lunch. My old boss works in the Davis office so we got to have lunch together (and with other people) so that was nice to catch up. She's such a great person and was my friend before my boss so back to a friend again.  I forgot to take a picture of my lunch haha. 

For dinner we were going to go to a pizza place but it was packed, no empty seats and everyone had a number waiting for their pizza so we decided to find something else. We were walking down the street and it smelled so good. We realized it was coming from this Indian food place so we tried it out. I have never had Indian food before since I was scared to try it. It was so good though! The place was called Kathmandu Kitchen. I wasn't all that hungry to start with so I ended up bringing quite a bit of it back to the hotel with me. I got the chicken mushroom marsala. That's it in the little pot at the bottom of the pic. I ended up having my left overs for breakfast the next morning lol. 

They let us out at noon so that was the a plus. I couldn't wait to get out of there. I decided to do some thrift store shopping on the way home and just ended up staying in the Sacramento area until about 6 when stores were closing up. 

I found an Eco Thrift store and OMG it was huge! This was the sewing/fabric/crafty section. I had fun checking out all the bags. The ones on the bottom, some had fabric and some had like towels or linens. I ended up buying three bag.

At $2 a piece that's a score! Part of me feels like I need to save the fabric lol. I finally went through this bag last night. I will have to take a better picture of what was in it. 

I think I showed all these needles I got at the Goodwill Superstore. It's funny looking at the reviews there because although it was a mess I had a great time. I sold about $70 worth of needles so far on a Facebook group. I put some on Etsy but now I've decided to list them on eBay. I think that will be a better audience. Yesterday I got 10 listings done. I am going to set a goal of 10 a day

I got this bag of zippers there too. When I bought them I thought they were taken out clothing but they are actually all unused. Several different sizes. That was a nice find too. I think they were like $3 for the bag.

I went to another thrift store and picked up one of these for about $2. I need to put mine on eBay. That store was smelly so I probably wouldn't go back there. Not like musty smelly, like icky smelly.

I also found a Goodwill Outlet which people call the bins store. Online it said it was open til 9 but it was closing at 6 and I got there at like 5:30. I only found a couple small things but the line was huge so I left without them. That might be a fun thing to spend the day there sometime (or a few hours). They bring new bins out and people go nuts. You could tell that there are people that just shop all day long. Definitely resellers. 

Saw this sticker, thought it was funny!

After I was home someone else drove into our broken road again. Somehow they squeezed that truck around these barriers.

Talk about stupid.

the neighborhood watching lol (I didn't go down there just stole pictures)

Yesterday someone posted that they've started working on the hole. I'll be sad when our road is full of commuter traffic again. Plus this is slightly entertaining. 

I didn't win any games at darts last night. Bummer but I did have fun hanging out with my friend Traci and Cassi came down too. The three of played a game of cricket when the official games were over. 

Today I have to go to the grocery store. Blech. Anyone want to go for me? Oh and I finished the sales tax reporting with 10 minutes to spare on their website for payment. I didn't even know it had a 3pm deadline. Go me!

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