Tuesday, January 17, 2023


Good morning happy Tuesday! I have a day full of online meetings today.  Joy!

Yesterday we went to lunch with Melissa and Eric at Black Bear Diner. I got a club sandwich and fries which instantly made me sick. Stupid stomach what the heck.

After lunch Trevor and I went to Home Depot and got a few things. I found some good child locks for my cabinets, we got a new door knob for the bathroom door and a new one for the garage. Trevor fixed the bathroom door and I'm leaving the garage one for Scott to fix up next weekend. I almost got stuck out in the garage one day not that long ago lol. Couldn't get the damn door open.

After that we went to the thrift store. I found a Creative Memories scrapbook for $2. This is the color I used for Trevor too. I plan on getting back to scrapbooking very soon. I think I might start from 2022 and then go backwards. Although I would like to get the kids finished up through high school graduation. I had done all Jessica's but didn't finish Melissa or Trevors. Might have to do some searching for pictures too since everything went digital. 

Next we went to Big 5. He was having fun looking around but that store is only so big so I went and sat in the car while he finished up. He got a new fishing license. When I came out of the store I noticed that the paint is coming off the hood of my car. WTF. It doesn't even have 100k on it and is only 6 years old. Need to find out if there is any kind of warranty on that. 

For the rest of the night I worked on my old baby blanket. My Grandma Pecka made this for me. It is pretty heavy so makes a great blanket for kids to play on the floor. It is super soft too. I think I remember her saying she liked to use crib mattress pads or something like that for the batting. All the edges were coming apart and the inside was poking out. 

Originally I was thinking maybe I'd use some fabric to make a binding but the fabric is really worn and new fabric wouldn't be. I remembered I had some quilt binding and look at that I had 2 packs of this stuff and it matched great. 

Not perfect but way better than it was. Hard to believe this thing is almost 50 years old. 

When I was looking for the denim quilt thing I came across this small quilted piece I made. I think I will do something with this next. There isn't enough for a quilt so I think I'll make another bag with it. I only made it two years ago. Time sure flies right?

I'm going to watch the little ones tonight while their parents go to a work party. Jess said the party is 6-10. Probably watch them at my house since that is easier for me. So that means running the vacuum and such later. One way to keep my house cleaned up!

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