Monday, January 16, 2023


Good morning happy Monday! I am glad to have the day off today.

Yesterday I got side tracked cleaning up my sewing desk. There was a water mark on the desk top (which is just plywood) so I decided to paint it. I used all the white paint I had but I need more so I decided to stop after a couple hours lol. I want to outline the bunting I painted and I think maybe more of a square area in the middle for when I snap pictures of my stuff I made. I wish I had made the bunting area a little lower (I was going by the line that the plexiglass I have on top had made). Just playing around. It was fun. We'll see if I ever get back to it lol.

I took my curtain down to wash it and it was kind of spooky when it got dark

Much better and hung my hearts I saved for myself up. They fit perfect.

I asked Scott if he wanted chicken wings or Chinese food. Sadly he picked chicken wings so I had to cook lol. They were super good though. The wings were $13.68 and I had everything else already.

He actually washed the dishes during the day while he was here so that was nice. 
After messing around all day I decided to tackle this denim quilted top I had made (just looked it up to see how long ago that was, only 2 years lol). I had to piece the flannel since it was about 2" too narrow to just slap it on the back. I just sewed it around the edges and then flipped it the right way. Worked great. I attempted to sew across the middle to hold it all together but it stretched too much and then I spent an hour picking out my thread that matched the fabric well. That wasn't fun. So now I think I will just tie it with yarn. It turned out much smaller than I was thinking it was so it is more of a lap quilt. Might be good to put in the car for trips since it is a bit heavy & warm. If nothing else the kids can lay on it. So that is my project for today. 

But first I'm going to lunch with Melissa & her boyfriend. Told Trevor he can come too since the bf is coming. We are just going to Black Bear but it will be nice to go do something. Almost time to go jump in the shower!

I saw this posted yesterday. Probably a good pantry item for us living out in the country folks. Sucks when you are out of an ingredient ;)

How cute is this?

Look at this amazing weather forecast. I'll take it! No switching to more rain later please!

Stole these next two pictures from my neighbor. Picture of the river. I like this view so you can see how much it has to go to get to the top. I have seen it very close before in 97. Since then I'm like ahhh it's fine!

Snow on the hills! This doesn't happen that much.

Ok need to hurry up and shower!

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