Sunday, January 15, 2023


Good morning happy Sunday! Jess called out for work today so no babysitting. I might be in my sewing room all day!

Trevor was making pancakes and fried eggs for us for breakfast. This is how he makes up for eating my other food I was saving ;)

Scott and I went to my brother's house for my mom's little birthday party. We stopped at the store to get a card and some food stuff to take. I ended up getting some fried chicken from the deli department and it was really good. I will get that again. It was 16 pieces for $20.

I finally got to meet the newest niece Brooklyn, she was super cute and even giggled at me a bit. When we got there she was just chilling on the coffee table watching football lol. Everyone was sitting around here to watch her.

The birthday girl and chonky me. This is the longest I have ever seen my mom's hair. She said she was going to cut it but it hasn't happened yet. We look a lot more a like with her hair long. Funny that we both were wearing gray too.

Scott took the picture but the singing happy birthday crew 

We left around 7 so Scott could go take care of his mom. Since I had real pants and shoes on I asked Cassi if she wanted to go hang out down at the bar. We played 3 rounds of darts (cricket).  Someone made these funny coasters, I may have brought one home with me. Don't tell anyone. 

This morning I got these "I found a quilted heart(s)" sewn up. All ready to leave around places. I think I'll put them in a baggy in my purse for when I leave the house. I put all the rest of the cut out hearts (mostly smaller ones) into a baggy because I'm sick of hearts now.  

Packaged up the heart coasters for the craft show box and then found some Christmas coasters I never packed up and did those too. Next is to clean up all the valentine's fabrics I've scattered about and put them away. 

I think my next project is I am going to put the backing on my denim quilt finally. I washed the flannel again (Tina thought it made a great nap spot) so it's ready to work with. 

Onto the RIVER! 

They did an emergency evacuation for Patterson yesterday along the river. Hopefully there are not too many actual houses there. 

One of the neighbors took this picture of our river

24.5 is the monitoring stage so we have like 5 inches to go here

We drove over the river on the bridge yesterday and there is still a ledge on the gun club side. If you squint you can see it. This is from a video I was doing. Maybe I'll try uploading it.

looking the other direction-forgot to crop my picture

It says 90% for rain today but it's not raining 90% of the time so hopefully it's just a little bit of rain today and tomorrow. We get a break and then there is a 40% chance of rain on Wednesday then I think we can breathe!

I thought this was pretty funny!

and lastly I was dreaming this morning about somewhere I went and this guy was like laying on me trying to pop my back like a perverted chiropractor or something and then I woke up enough to realize it was the cat lol. Damn she's heavy sometimes. What a weird dream too haha

I'm so glad I have tomorrow off too. So sick of work and anything to think of work. I need to stop complaining about it since I'm sure everyone is tired of hearing me lol. Ok off to clean up the sewing room a bit more!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE that meme. Too funny.
    I hope your river doesn't rise anymore Julie.
    And send Trevor over here - he can cook all he wants!!
    You and your mom look very much alike and my God she looks young!


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