Thursday, January 12, 2023


 Good morning happy Thursday! We've almost made it to the weekend and it's a 3 day one at that. Now if it would just stop raining it would be great. 

I drove over the river again  yesterday and it is up quite a bit from the day before. It isn't supposed to rain today so that is good. There is rain on the forecast for Friday-Mon and next Wednesday. Hopefully it will blow over before it hits us.

Nothing too exciting going on around here yesterday or today. I cooked 2 recipes yesterday but forgot to take pictures, bad blogger!

I have to wash my bedding today so that will be nice to crawl into tonight! Nothing better than clean sheets and blankets.

I've been working on my scraps in between work emails. I actually got a bit to do yesterday so that was nice. Today I'm going to help another office send some emails out.

Teleconference later so hopefully it's not one that pisses me off again haha.

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