Tuesday, January 10, 2023


Good morning happy Tuesday! I had to just turn on my camera for a work meeting, that was scary. Figured out how to blur my background lol. 

Look at Tina taking over the baby bed. She's like thanks I love it!

Weird thing that happened yesterday I was straightening/curling my bangs with my hair straighter. I was done and set it down and then bang! Loud noise and a big spark flew out into the sink and bounced up and hit my arm. I screamed! Trevor said the lights flickered. This morning I'm thinking I never tested the outlet to see if it still works or not. Definitely think the hair straightener is dead. 

I had soot on my arm lol

Jessica said I need to stop having weird things happen to me, I agree. 

The roads are starting to flood a bit around us. I need to go out and get more toilet paper and some groceries before we are stuck on an island. The river is still doing ok, projected to get to 19' today I think. Monitoring stage is like 24 I believe. 

I ended up going to Bunco yesterday as a sub. At first they were no we don't need you then oh can you come last minute? I had put dinner in the oven and was going to just cook up the rest of my chicken meals so Trevor got to eat the Chicken Marsala (made him save me some) and I ate at Bunco.

Bunco was fun til someone seemed a bit drunk and got mean to someone else. She was super rude. Made things a bit awkward! I was glad when we were done after that. 

Last night there was apparently a tornado warning for some people but we didn't get it. My neighbor did though. I don't think it actually touched down anywhere. The sky just got super dark right now. Hopefully the power stays on, so far we've been good. PG&E has been out here a lot the last 2 years checking poles and stuff so I guess them being annoying worked out.  Probably just jinxed it haha.

Darts tonight since my work trip got cancelled. Should be fun, haven't played in a few weeks!

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