Monday, December 26, 2022


Good morning are you ready for Christmas pictures?

Resting while waiting for everyone to get here 

We always open presents youngest to oldest but let Daniel kind of go at the same time as Lilly since he's too little to understand. Jess brought this little booster seat which was perfect since she topples over if she just sits by herself. 

My mom got her the hat and Minnie lol

Trying out her toy from Santa

He didn't want to hold still for a picture with his presents lol

Trevor put these noise wants in everyone's stockings

Trevor's turn

This mug has Ramen on the the front but inside it says "Send Noods" I thought it was hilarious lol

Melissa's turn

Eric had to work so Melissa sent me his picture this morning



I got presents! Scott bought me a new Serger! Jess got me a really nice Grandma mug too

Trevor got Scott a new fishing pole, I got him some new jeans and t shirts

I missed getting a picture of Jessica's puppy when he was here for awhile. Simon LOVES him. Rusty & Snookie not so much lol. They went to Daniel's dad's for a bit and we cleaned up and ate snacks. My friend Cassi came over for awhile and hung out too. She brought this cool Vodka bottle with her

Melissa trying to nap 

Jess really wanted to make us the lasagna and was sad she wasn't going to be back in time to make it but we just waited for her since we were full of snacks anyways. She was happy she got to make it and the pasta bake. 

She wanted to take the white table cloth off the table since Daniel likes to put his food on the table lol. Whatever works so he eats. He carried these Blue's Clue's figures around with him all day and lined them up.

I blinked in the closer picture of me and Scott so this is the other side of the table lol. I didn't get the table set nice since people were sitting there all day. No worries, no one cared lol.

After everyone left I sat and took a break for awhile then washed up all the dishes. 

I coughed so much last night, so annoying. I got up and took some Nyquil and then looked at the clock and it was 5am. Good thing I didn't have to go anywhere today since I fell back to sleep until 10!

This morning Jess said she had a fever again last night and little Daniel is sick too. I told her I can come get the baby later if she wants. So far she said she was sleeping so we shall see if I'm babysitting later.  I don't have any other plans. Need to clean up my sewing room again so I can work in there. Time to pull out the Valentine's fabrics ;)

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