Saturday, December 24, 2022


Good morning happy Christmas Eve! I finally woke up without a fever, it's a Christmas miracle. I got myself showered, dressed and even put some make up on. Now I'm drinking a cup of coffee and hoping this Sudafed and nose spray will get my ears to stop ringing. I'd pay $50 for my left ear to unplug. So annoying. TG I had all those cold meds stocked up. I'm definitely going to have to replenish for the next virus.

Going to go do a little bit more Christmas shopping since I wrapped all the gifts yesterday and one kid is way behind the others in the dollar department. Anyone else add up everything to make sure it is even lol. Don't want anyone being left out. I think I have a little it of an idea of what to get now so that will help. Hopefully there is a few things left in the stores.

Then I need to hit the grocery store and get a few things. 

If you all could clean my house and do some laundry while I'm gone that would be great. Rusty really needs a bath too. 

My mom came by yesterday and dropped off everyone's presents so it looks nice and full under the tree lol. Trevor also wrapped a bunch of stuff. I feel slightly guilty not buying gifts for my brother's kids but the kids probably won't even notice since they get so much stuff. 

This morning Scott is wondering if we're all coming over to his mom's. I have a feeling I'll be over there later. I don't think the kids will be though. It's kind of a miracle she didn't get the flu from Scott. It's so hard to be like ok we'll just have dinner over there when she complains about everything. I was thinking how last year was the last one with his sister and she ended up yelling at us and started crying. Sad :( 

Anyhow that's enough of that. Just topped off my coffee, I guess I better hurry up!

1 comment:

  1. Hope you are feeling even better today.
    Merry Christmas to you and your family Julie!


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