Wednesday, November 23, 2022



Good morning happy Turkey Eve!

I need to take the turkey out to thaw some more in a minute. I took it out for a bit yesterday and it was less like a rock when I put it back in the fridge lol. Should be ok by tomorrow!

Work was good yesterday I was busy all day. I'm really dreading these new changes they are going to make for work. I'm really hoping they let me keep my office as the one I work on but I don't think that is going to be the case. So stupid. 1/4 of my job is probably just file maintenance and keeping that all organized. I don't know why they think that is going to get done by the over worked soil cons. Just stupid.  Anyhow, I'm over here mourning my job lol. If only we didn't need that insurance stuff. Sometimes I think of all the other ways I can earn money (and have) and then I think about insurance and retirement. 

I ended up spending about an hour after I was off yesterday talking to a girl at work. She's about 10 years older. Her mom has dementia and is a year older than Scott's mom. She lives down south so G just goes down there every so often for holidays and then to give her sister a break. Her mom has aides and her brothers also help out. So nice to have a functional family all pitching in.

This was my going to lunch entertainment. I gave him LOTS of room before I got the hell away from him. Those pallets were about ready to fall off any second.

After work I played with my wine fabrics some more. I got all the wine bags I want cut out. This is the leftover yardage to go in the cabinet.

a pile of wine totes and coasters to sew up. I will probably just make one of each fabric for the wine totes and put the rest in a box for when I'm ready to make more. Cutting them out and matching up lining fabrics is the hardest part lol. They are so easy to make.

Now I'm cleaning up the scrap pieces

I have a bit to go. I think I'll play with these for a little bit this morning. The next step is finding lining fabrics for the totes and coasters. That always takes awhile.

Things I can do for Turkey day today:
make the sweet potato pie (sans marshmallows, learned that lesson last time I made it ahead), Cook the frozen pies I bought (don't judge), boil the eggs for deviled eggs maybe? There really isn't that much I can do ahead of time lol. Probably just do most of it tomorrow minus the pies since I have to use the oven for the turkey.

Jess has to take her car to the collision place today. She thought she'd just be taking it and hanging out while they look at it but pretty sure it doesn't work that way. I told her she should just call ahead and make sure ;) We'll see if they total it out  since it has a million miles on it. I kind of think they aren't going to repair a car that is worth less than $5k. We shall see! 

I was going to sleep in today but I've been awake since at least 5:30. I had to get up to pee and never fully went back to sleep after that. Darn bladder. Trevor made us breakfast so that was nice (except the dishes part). I'm so happy I'm off work until Monday! I want to take at least a week off after the holidays.  We have a training for a few days the end of January but maybe I can get one in before then or for my birthday week. I have a lot of vacation and if you don't use it you eventually lose it and I'm not going to allow that to happen!

Ok off to make some coffee and play with my scraps a bit!

1 comment:

  1. I made a side and a pie today. It's only me and Rick but there is a good chance there will be mimosa's or bloody marys or smoke involved and then I may need a nap so I was thinking to make those and get 'em out of the way. Pitiful aren't I? Hope your turkey day is wonderful Julie and let me know if you watch that movie


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