Friday, October 7, 2022


Good morning happy Fri-Yeah! We made it through the week! Yesterday after work I went to Joanns and bought a bolt of interfacing. That should last me awhile! I shouldn't have to go there again for a bit haha. I've been so good the last few times I've been in there and only bought interfacing or batting. Obviously I'm being buried alive in fabric so I don't need anymore ;) But I did walk down the character aisle to see if they made any fabric with Pocahontas. I had a few people ask about that at my last show. They didn't have any but I did see some Brave fabric. That's one I haven't seen or bought before. I did not buy any though ;)

After that I came home and fed the animals then went to darts where I won THREE games. All but one of the ones I played in. Go me! That was pretty exciting. 

I hung out until the bar closed at 10. For some reason they were selling Costco pumpkin pies so I bought one. Trevor made 2 pumpkin pies from canned pumpkin we had in the cabinet the other day so we are still eating those. I should probably put the Costco one in the freezer lol. 

I have 2 packages to be delivered today for Daniel's party, they are in the area so they should get here ok. Crossing my fingers. Just have to pick up the cake tomorrow and maybe some balloons from the dollar store. The party isn't until 4 so no big morning rush. 

That's about all the excitement around here. Please God let this be a calm weekend with just fun days. 

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