Monday, October 24, 2022


Good morning happy Monday! 

Whew what a weekend! Three days of watching little ones. I remember why my kids are 5 and 4 years apart. Whoooweee that's some hard work. My body is even sore lol.

This adorable little thing likes to be held all day. You can sit her down in the little bouncer thing for a few minutes and she takes 30 minute naps if you're lucky.  Also I think my arm still smells like spit up. Good thing she is so adorable. 

Grandpa makes a great jungle gym apparently. This guy took 0 naps yesterday. He also maybe ate 1.5 chicken nuggets and a few handfuls of crackers. 

Anyhow, done babysitting for a bit. That's some hard work.

I had my sewing room door closed so Tina was playing in this pile of boxes I need to break down in my room. She was sleeping but heard me coming. Cats are so funny with boxes.

This weeks plans are darts on Tuesday, there is a Halloween party on Saturday but I don't know if I'm going or not (leaning towards not) and then my craft show in Fremont on Sunday.  I am working on Christmas wine bags now so we'll see if I get them done. I don't think they take long once I get everything set up. yesterday I managed to get the interfacing cut out and ironed on the ones that didn't need any piecing. I started working on the ones with piecing but ran out of time before the kiddos came over. I just passed out exhausted after they left haha.

Trevor made breakfast with homemade biscuits this morning. Gah so good. 

No news on my dad yet this morning. As of yesterday he was still in the room before the ICU waiting for a bed and was probably getting a pace maker "early in the week". Not sure if that is today?  My mom was waiting to hear back from her friend she was going to go see since she hadn't answered her phone calls so not sure what's going on with their trip at the moment either. I hate when people aren't definite. Times and dates people! 

Ok time for more coffee..


1 comment:

  1. Your last comment was something I just said, dates/time/specifics people I need specifics.
    too funny


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