Friday, September 23, 2022


Good morning! I still have my Google sheets and my blog so I guess they didn't take that away for not giving my billing info. So hard to figure out what is a real thing sometimes. 

Have to go in a few minutes to pick Scott up for his dental appointment.  

Didn't do much sewing yesterday but I am ALMOST done with the piecing. On the last batch. I tried to finish it last night but I was too tired after going to darts (we sucked but I got 1 Low Ton from getting 2 bulls eyes) and hanging out. Came home at like 9 because there were so many freaking bugs biting inside and outside the clubhouse. Apparently they sprayed for mosquitos with a plane last night so hopefully that helps.

Little miss Brooklyn got to leave the hospital yesterday. Here she is with her Stella and Little Joe. They look huge next to her. She is not even 5 pounds yet. I asked my mom if she was a preemie and she said she was born at 32 week. Amazing she is doing so well with how she came into this world. Hopefully she will continue that way.

Last night someone was talking about a dermatologist in Tracy and I got the name of the place. I just called and they had an appointment today so Trevor can go in and get this horrible rash he's had forever on his forehead. It is raging red. He's guessing they will say psoriasis. It doesn't quite look like the pictures of that when I've looked it up before but we'll see. So far he's had steroid cream and antifungal oral meds and nothing has got rid of it. Probably needs some shots of something. 

Ok out of time have to go pick up the man!

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