Saturday, August 6, 2022


Good morning happy Saturday!! Wohooo the weekend is here. Doesn't quite seem to be off to a great start but maybe it will get better. Scott got here bright in early to check the brakes on my car before it gets hot  sit in the recliner and look at his phone. Of course he's wondering if we have anything here for breakfast so Trevor is making us something. 

Yesterday I whipped up these Incredibles bags. I only made 3 since that is not very popular but I have had people ask in the past. Next up is Lilo & Stitch. 

When I was going through the fabrics on the book case to see if I had any there I found another Incredibles print but I don't want to make any more of those so into the file cabinet it went. I started cutting apart the Lilo's but stopped to go to the movies with my mom and niece. I asked Trevor if he wanted to go too and he did, and then my nephew also came. 

We saw Where the Crawdad's Sing. It was really good and now I want to read the book. Afterwards we went to Red Robin across the parking lot. I wasn't really all that hungry so I got a little pizza so I could pick at it and take the rest home for later. It wasn't that good at all so maybe it will be better for lunch.

Today's plan once all these men get out of my way is to clean the floors and pick up the little bits of clutter all over. If I get that done I might go get Daniel for a bit since he hasn't been over in awhile (if he's not busy ;)). 


  1. I read that book years ago but don't remember it well.
    Happy Cleaning. LOL

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