Thursday, July 7, 2022


Good morning happy Friday Eve! I am working from home today wooohoo.  Here is your daily dose of cuteness! So dang cute. I got to see her and her brother for a minute yesterday when I dropped some stuff off at the house. She was sleeping and he was eating so I escaped by myself haha. It's about time for a playdate with Little Daniel though!

There was a lot of this fun noise at work yesterday. Literally makes my eye twitch. Thus working from home today. I think I can definitely get more work done at home, I just have to print everything out when I go back in. Some day they will do away with having to have a paper file.

After work I went to the grocery store and did the up and down every aisle because we are out of so much stuff. Of course as soon as I get home I go to wash my hands in the bathroom and realize I forgot hand soap lol. Oh well add it to the list for next time.

This is what these two do. Notice they have to be almost touching me while they do it. My camera turned the flash on for some reason so they have spooky eyes. 

Our pool party for today got cancelled because my friend's adult daughter who lives with her keeps leaving her dirty dishes all over the kitchen lol. Sheesh I know how that feels. Apparently it started WWIII over there so no pool party for us. Now I have extra snacks for us to eat I guess haha.

I got my fabric sales packages all finished up and Trevor is going to take them to the mail box for me later so I'm all caught up there. Down to $1200 on my credit card. I think I will keep selling until I get it paid off. I should have enough stuff around here haha. I went to the thrift store on my lunch but they didn't have much in the fabric/patterns department. Mostly big rolls of upholstery and the old knit fabric. Those do not sell well for me. I spent $8 and $3 of that was for a Creative Memories paper cutter. I love those things and eventually they go dull. 

Ok guess I should do some work today! At least I don't have to walk for 5 minutes to make it to the bathroom at home. I can't wait until they finish ours at work. 


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