Sunday, July 3, 2022


Good morning happy Sunday! It's happy since I still have 2 more days off haha. 

Here is my little talker nephew Little Joe from yesterday morning haha. 

After they went outside Scott showed up. No quiet for me haha. Although he mostly just took a nap in his recliner. He came home to take a covid test (negative) because he has a cold. Fun! Now this morning Trevor is full of snot too so now it is his turn. Hopefully I had both of theirs already and don't get something new. I'm still not all recovered from the last one.

Yesterday I listed all of these

and then ironed all these small pieces and cut the weird tails off of them and then put them on the FB group. I sold most of this pile.

yesterday's sales=$176.92
Total sales=$531.92

 I have another pile to iron and clean up set on my desk already. The woman cut little pieces out of the fabrics so they are in weird shapes, I cut them more straight so they are easier to measure & sell. I have a box of small scraps now too. Debating on what to do with those now. Throw them all in a box and sell it or keep them to play with. Leaning towards keeping them since I like the small pieces.

That's about the excitement around here. I have 2 full boxes of fabric left that I haven't touched yet. We'll see if I get to them today. Trying to get through what I have in my sewing room since I was making myself in a hole with all these boxes around me lol.


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