Friday, July 15, 2022


Good morning happy Friday! Woohooo the weekend is 7 hours away. Yesterday after work I worked on cleaning off my old desk in the sewing room. I found a bunch of stuff that I got from the other neighbor who passed away. (I keep ending up with stuff lol)

I put these on eBay we'll see if they sell. I saw some do sell so wish me luck!

I put these on the FB group and someone wanted a couple of them. Whatever is left I think I will put on eBay too. I think I am going to start using eBay again instead of Etsy since they give you free listings. I've been letting all my stuff on Etsy expire and not relist it since it adds up.

I put these quilting patterns on the FB group too. Sold a few so that is good!

Then I started working on organizing the loose fabric I had tossed over there. Mostly small pieces and stuff I wanted to keep. I'm down to the black and white fabrics which are really fun.

I took a break to go meet my friend Cassi at the little bar for a drink and then hung out with my friend Sheryl after Cassi left. Came home and took all the clean clothes off my bed and moved them to the couch to put away later lol. 

No plans for the weekend so we'll see what I end up doing. Maybe a little sewing? 


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