Monday, June 6, 2022


 Good morning happy Monday! 

Today has been interesting so far. I drove into work (begrudgingly) and was there for about 5 minutes. My boss is out today and tomorrow because she has the flu and then the girl in the other department found out two more people tested positive for Covid over the weekend. That was enough for me to ask if I could work from home again today. Sheesh. So I packed up and came back home. The girl in the other department was complaining about her stomach too so she probably either has Covid or the Flu too. It's like a germ cesspool. I just took my last at home Covid test because I'm paranoid and it is negative. I just don't want to get Jess sick since she's having the baby soon. 

Today is my 29th anniversary! The plan is to go to dinner tonight. I was thinking about going to this sushi boat place in Modesto but the reviews are very mixed. Like 1 star or 5 lol. Looks like it depends on the day of the week you go. Now we are leaning towards Outback.

Yesterday I sewed pretty much all day. Scott came home for awhile and worked on Jessica's car and then BBQ'd some steaks for us. I'm working on my bags of scraps still. I did cut out 2 tote bags though. 

blue scraps sewn end to end 

blue keychains pieced together for later

I pulled out all my string squares I had made before too since it takes quite a bit to have enough for a tote bag. I was surprised of how many I had made up. Hopefully I can get most of them used up and out of a box!

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