Sunday, May 29, 2022


Good morning happy Sunday! Happy because I still have another whole day off tomorrow haha. What a nice little weekend vacation to unwind. 

Yesterday I mostly worked on my 1" string blocks some more. This is what I made up yesterday

This is all I have left. I debated on just tossing all the gray & black prints that have characters on them but I decided I'd just make them up and maybe make myself a little bag out of them. We'll see how many I end up with (9 so far-the top 2-ish rows)

I took a break when this little guy came over. He's still not feeling all that great but his mom needed a break. He sneezed on me like 4 times so I'll probably be sick next week haha. He wanted to sit with me for most of the time he was here. 

Then he fell asleep for 1/2 of Toy Story 2 so however long that was lol

Then he felt a bit better and played (not allowed on the table, can you tell haha)

His mom cleaned his room up while we were gone. A picture before he destroyed it in 10 minutes haha.

After I took him home I went and met Cassi for a drink and one game of darts (we played the Tick Tack Toe game) and then the bar closed early since it was pretty dead. There is a whole weekend Memorial Day party at the campground. I hardly ever go down there for that party since people have their RV's and stuff. I'm good with like 2 hours of the neighbors not all weekend lol. 

This is what I call "recharging"

Poor Snookie. She's not impressed AT ALL (and yes she has cat litter on her face. Such a naughty dog)

Her other ear decided to join the party today! Looks like she's ready for take off haha

Tina wanting loves (notice Buzz and Rex there on the table, little man carries those around)


Look at this little shit! The other day I picked up that softball off the floor and was like that's weird. Well now I know why it was knocked down.

I'm out of TP so I guess I'll do an Instacart order. I don't want to go anywhere lol. TG I have napkins and paper towels ;)

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