Friday, May 20, 2022


 Good morning happy FriYeah!
I was a bad girl yesterday and went to the thrift store on my lunch. Snagged a ton of fabric for super cheap. After work I went and got a massage at the mall, then hit Carters for some clothes for little Daniel and then the grocery store. I mostly just got some premade salads, wraps and a few meals from the deli section. I so haven't been wanting to cook since it is just Trevor and I and half the time he's made something to eat after he got home from work. I brought a wrap to work for lunch and may have ate half of it for breakfast. I might have to eat my breakfast for lunch at this rate lol.

On my way home Melissa texted me that her and Eric are now engaged. That's exciting! She doesn't have a ring yet so I asked her if she'd like my Grandma Pecka's ring. Don't mind my enormous hands sheesh.

I took the clothes over for the little guy and he wanted to come home with me, so cute. He played for an hour or so then was ready to go home again.

He uses Snookies steps to get up on my bed then climbs down the other side

Baby sitter Snookie

The cats were watching too lol

After I took him home I worked on my scrap cleaning again. I still have this whole can left to clean up.

I'm dragging butt today. So tired. My tongue is all funky this morning. I have a geographical tongue and this morning it is all funky. I took an allergy pill so hopefully that will help. It is windy again today too. It has been windy a lot lately. A little breeze is nice, why can't we just have a little one?

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Due to the huge amounts of Anonymous spam comments I'm going to try the verification for a bit. Sorry, I know it's annoying!