Thursday, May 19, 2022


Good morning happy Friday eve! I'm ready for the weekend, although I don't think I'll be sleeping in since my mom is bring her trailer and covering thing over and has my brothers coming to help set it up. 

Here is a pretty little wildflower garden they planted across the courtyard from me, it's so pretty! Our office is like -30 degrees with the ac on lately so it is tempting to just go sit out there and warm up a bit haha. Yesterday it was in the high 90's and I kept my sweater on for probably 15 minutes after I left work until I warmed up.

For dinner last night we had burritos from the corner place by work. Trevor requested them for dinner so twist my arm. 

After dinner I worked on cleaning up my scraps from when I was making the car bags/coasters and the baby quilt. I still have a whole can of scraps to clean up.  I want to do some strip quilt blocks I think and use some up. I always enjoy making those.

Work is so ***yawn*** boring. Working on some letters for people to report their tractor hours. I missed doing them the last 2 years because of Covid. I've just been emailing them so far, we'll see if anyone returns them. If not then I'll mail them when it is time for the 2022 ones to go out. Figure why waste postage and paper if people will do it through email.

I've been listening to all the episodes of Beautiful Anonymous that I've missed while I work. TG for headphones. Lets all pray they don't decide to hire more people like the 2 girls that got laid off that I had to share my job with. I'll really die of boredom again. 


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