Tuesday, April 26, 2022


Good morning happy Tuesday! One more day of Trevor's "weekend" haha. He spent most of the day yesterday napping. Ahh to be young with no responsibilities other than going to work and socking away the money.

I have one email to work on this morning and that is it so far. I caught up everything I could for the apps to contracts so it's just hang out and wait for emails day apparently.

I ended up not making the chicken last night since Jess had made a tri tip and had extras and invited me over for some. Twist my arm! So I went and hung out and ate her food.

Other than that all I did yesterday was work on keychains. This group is ready to be sewn up. I decided I should do some batches so I actually get some done before the weekend instead of doing all the prep work and then running out of time. There is a bunch of Carebears in this group. I had made a ton of them before and have sold a lot of them on Etsy (and at craft shows). I'm debating on not doing much on Etsy now, it is a lot of work for not much money. I am only selling like one thing a week so it's not really worth it at that pace. I might just put my focus back on doing craft shows since things are going back to normal now. 

Well that's all I've got for this morning. Chicken for dinner tonight (maybe haha)!

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