Saturday, April 2, 2022


Good morning Happy Saturday!! Woohooooooo I wish it was Saturday all week.

Here is how I started my day, cleaning up after my son who loves to cook but doesn't clean up after himself. I was telling my friends this is how the kids make you not be sad when they move out haha.

It wasn't quite that bad after I got it more organized. Washed half the dishes already and got the stove and counter cleaned off. Had to stop for a coffee break.

Yesterday I went to work and stayed until 6. I am taking next Friday off so I was trying to scan/print at much stuff as possible. When I got home it was still light out so I tackled the yard with the mower. I got about 3/4 of it done, just need to do the strip along the house on the cars side and the rest of the back yard. It got too dark to work out there and I was afraid I was going to run over something in the grass. I want to get that done today along with cleaning up some of the house since it is disgusting. One good thing about if we bring his mom to our house some is that I could actually CLEAN and keep shit up here. I can barely clean at her house since she's sleeping all the time and honestly all I want to do is chuck all her crap and then I feel bad. 

After mowing the lawn I went to the bar/kitchen and had a drink and watched them do karaoke lmao. So funny! Then I popped over to the kids to watch this guy for about an hour while both his parents were working. They over lap for about an hour on Fridays.

He was way more interested in his movie than taking selfies with Grandma.

He watched Hercules while I washed dishes. I've decided washing dishes is like my lot in life. I wash dishes at my house, I wash dishes at his mom's house, I wash dishes at my kids house (just helping out lol), sometimes I wash dishes at work (I'm sure that will happen more soon). 

After Jess got home I hung out for a little bit then went back to the bar to watch them sing some more. I hung out for a bit and my friend Lupe's sister came down so we talked too. I guess I can call her my friend also haha. They are so funny. Four sisters and they all fight with each other all the time but if anyone does anything to one of them you get the group. I always say I wanted sisters until I hung out with them!

Came home and crashed. Ahh to have productive days. So much better than feeling like a depressed potato at the end of the day like the rest of the week. I really need to get my shit together at his mom's house and 1. not sit or lay on the couch and 2. find a project to work on while I'm there.

Ok off to refill the coffee cup and find something to eat. Just a bit more down time then it's time to get BUSY and clean some shit.



  1. I have 4 younger sister I understand the drama. I hate it.
    Wanna come visit and we can sit and do nothing together. This medication is making me sick and lazy.then I look around think i need a maid,a cook and someone to do laundry.😊

  2. @Peg hanging out would be great


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