Tuesday, April 19, 2022


Good morning happy Tuesday! I finally made it back in the sewing room woohoo. 
I got all these bags finished yesterday. They just needed the edges sewn together to get finished off.

When I got done with those I started working on the coasters I had cut out, still working on those but almost have all the fronts and backs pinned together. Shouldn't take too long to get those done.

I had more stuff cut out of the "wheels" fabric but I need to get more batting. I might decide that is enough for now too though and work on something else, although I am trying to finish up things I start!

I put my thread on my new thread holder, I love it! 
Here is Lucy next to that and the coasters this morning.

Peg, my mom's trailer is a tiny Vintage Lil' Loafer. I think it is about 6'x9'. She likes to do like a little doll house in it. I told her she can put it in my back yard and hang out there if she wants. She doesn't have room for it at her house and she is selling the cabin where she had it to my daughter. She'll probably drive me nuts at some point and I tiny bit regret telling her she could bring it over here. 

I'll be going back to work full time in May so I won't hardly be home soon anyways. I'm going to miss working from home and being able to just do little things when work is slow. Back to shredding shit when it gets slow in the office haha. It will take me awhile to get all the piddly stuff I used to do caught up again. Bonus is that I don't have to share my job with the two other people anymore since they got laid off. Hopefully they don't try to send us a new person once we are up and running again. 

Haven't heard from my husband since yesterday morning. Assuming he's still alive. Hopefully we don't end up divorced after his mom dies since we're having no contact now with me not going there every day. He's always been lousy at communication so this will be a big test. We definitely should have some date nights or something.

Still stuffed up a bit and doing my morning cough this morning. Just did some nose spray so my nose is a little bit better. Almost out of Sudafed. I only took one does yesterday morning then did ok. Morning is the worst of course. Hopefully this crap goes away soon.

It looks like it is going to rain this morning, My weather app says rain from 10-11, we'll see what it does. Also Thurs and Friday have a little bit of rain on there. Odd weather for us for this time of year. Hopefully it will keep everything from catching on fire a bit longer this year. Now that Melissa's boyfriend is interning at a fire house that makes fires a bit more scary.

Well that's all my one cup of coffee morning brain has so far today!

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