Monday, January 3, 2022


Good morning happy first Monday of 2022!

Sadly my friends and I made a pack to get back on Lose It today. I probably should have went grocery shopping but hey not much to eat here so maybe that was a good plan too haha.

I logged in at 202.2 this morning which ugh back over 200 again, but I was down almost 4 pounds from the last time I logged into Lose It so that's one win!

Yesterday I worked on a little bit of most of the projects I had on my sewing table by getting the coordinating fabrics cut for the insides and such. I am out of black fabric again. I knew I should have bought more than one yard when I bought it last time.

So now all these are need their interfacing which I will probably run out of that too and batting.

Look at all these empty cards that used to have fabric pieces on them. I'm impressed with myself that I have used up that much fabric. These are the little cards but still,  I'm being good and using it up!

So one of my goals for this year is to get rid of the large plastic totes in the sewing room.

Here is the first one to work on. Should be easy looks like it's a few baby blankets my mom gave me to use for the little one, I think I can put those in my closet in my room and then some unfinished projects that can be relocated to another spot maybe lol. The goal isn't necessarily to get rid of anything just to get rid of the totes in here so I have more room and am more organized. 

 A goal for TODAY is to get these Christmas ornaments and lights put away.

Scott brought the boxes I had put in the garage back in the house so that's one less trip for me to make with them. I want to relabel them and maybe go through them once more to get rid of a few more things. 

I saw this and thought it was hilarious. Scott even sleeps with his mouth open like that (yes it is scary lol)

Yesterday I cooked up some premade hamburger patties that were in the freezer and man I've been paying for it every since. Horrible stomach pains last night. Must have been too much fat/grease. I drank up the last of my pepto I had in the cabinet so I need to get more of that. I swear it is the only thing that works when my stomach is messed up.

I need to make a menu and a grocery list. Probably do an Instacart order today since I don't feel like going to the grocery store and need some veggies for the stew meat I took out. We shall see!

Another one of my goals is to list more stuff on Etsy or eBay. I'm thinking 10 things a week is a good goal. I think I am going to take the mug cozies I've had for a long time and make a few lots of them to put on eBay. Wonder if they will sell? They are just taking up room in my boxes at this point. If they don't sell I might just donate them OR cut off the buttons and toss them. Hmmm that might be a better idea. 

Ok off to work on a spreadsheet. Fun times :)

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