Thursday, January 27, 2022


Good morning happy Thursday!

Joining you from my mother in law's house. Using my phone for a hotspot to work until I can get some internet here. I might have to relocate to my mother in laws office though so I can concentrate a bit better since she's been telling me the same story 8 times in the last 2 hours. She fell asleep for like 10 minutes and the quiet was bliss.

Yesterday Scott was looking for checkers for some odd reason and he came across this bowl so I had to take a picture for you Peg lol

Yesterday we did a mini pedicure for mother in law. I cleaned the pantry (only 3 bags of expired canned food) and the fridge. Found this chicken pasta veggie thing that looked a like it leaned to the heathy side a tiny bit to make us for dinner.

After dinner I went to the grocery store (did a menu) and then went home and did a little meal prep. Made the breakfast casserole and the chicken salad to bring over here for some breakfast and lunch. Mother in law actually liked the breakfast casserole so that is good.

I need to figure out what internet to call for. My friend said AT&T is not a good one so maybe I'll try comcast. Not sure! I'm not used to having options since we don't have that out in the country lol.

Definitely need to get a coffee pot for over here she has this bizarre one cup thing (not a Keurig) that sucks.  I'm going to clean this disgusting wall before I leave today if it kills me. 

There is like 10 large cans of tuna in the cabinet so I'm going to attempt a tuna casserole for dinner tonight. Just remembered I forgot the noodles so hopefully Jess can bring them to me later. I don't think she'll join us for dinner since she said that sounds disgusting haha. Obviously they didn't grow up eating that. 

Ok off to read a couple blogs, might go outside and walk the court for a break and some fresh air. Weee

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