Sunday, January 2, 2022


Good morning happy Sunday! 

It got cold here last night. Cold for us. It is all foggy outside too. Brr

I saw this cartoon and it reminded me of my 1st cat I got. I was still living at home and in high school and my friend's cat had kittens. I brought home Scooter, this beautiful gray tabby that turned out to be really big so I think he was part Maine Coon. 

My mom is REALLY particular about her stuff and she had these sheer curtains in the "fancy" living room. Every morning I'd get up and push out all the snags from my cat playing in them.  I told her years later and she said she never knew lol.

Guess what I did yesterday? Yep, sewed. I know I'm probably getting pretty boring, but boring is good.  I'll take boring over lots of drama going on any day.

Here was yesterday's project. The last of the coffee fabric pieces. and some coordinating fabrics to choose from for me to sew up. I'm pretty sure this is Mary Engelbreit  fabric or  a knock off of her work. It was nice to work with the bright colors. It works good using all my little cards of scraps for these kinds of projects.

Hours later...
Some mug rugs and coasters. The coasters have the prints on both sides.

When I was done I cleaned up my desk and the floor and picked out a ton of threads of small fabric pieces from the coasters on my chair. 

Next up was to clean up the scraps in my big scrap tin I've been using. I was playing around with the whole zero waste idea but I'm trying to not be a hoarder and anytime I feel an inkling of that I have to resist lol. So the pieces smaller than 1" wide had to go in the trash.

all done! Still fit in my box of cut scraps so didn't make anything up with them yet.

Trying to decide what to work on today. This is all my contenders lol. Look at Tina's looking out the window ;)

We've got small pieces and keychain strips, some fun prints I bought off someone in a FB group to make larger bags out of, pieces I cut for zip bags and coin purses, a few masks, mug cozies, wine bags and a partial embroidered piece I was going to make in a bag years ago. Hmmmm

I asked Trevor to pick us up something for dinner on the way home from work last night and we got Hawaiian BBQ but he didn't get us any of the sauces. That was disappointing. 

I watched this move The Lost Daughter yesterday. It was slow but good and thought provoking. 

I was awake from like 3-5 this morning. Scott was in the living room snoring like a duck. At some point he woke up and turned on the heater (it's gas and 100 years old give or take 30 years so we have to turn it on and off manually). I watched a bunch of tik tok's until I finally dozed off again. He got up this morning and refilled our water bottles and did the dishes. Then he made us some pancakes for breakfast so that was nice. 
Tomorrow I'll have a quiet day since Trevor's 2 days off have moved over a day. I guess they do that once a month. Weird. So now he has Tuesday and Wednesday off. Three days of the house to myself haha. 

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