Sunday, January 16, 2022


Good morning happy Sunday! I'm glad I have tomorrow off too :)

Lunch at my brother's house was nice and I only gained 1/2 a pound haha. Look at the nice set up they made, so pretty!

Singing happy birthday

Vincent and Little Joe, these kids are getting big fast

Dad and Adrian, she's hard to get a picture of these days

Emma and Ava (can you feel the preteen vibes?)

And Stella who is going to be a year old soon! She was such a cutie and let me hold her forever without crying.

We stayed until almost 5 then we went to the grocery store before going home. Last time it was the salad aisle this time it was the cup of soup/top ramen that was wiped out. So weird!  Probably some shortage of workers somewhere along the line. 

I ended up eating some left overs at like 8 for dinner. 

I worked on the rest of the little leprechaun pieces but got too tired to finish them up.  I have 4 more to build up and then all to do the top stitching and backs.

This cracked me up, 2-3 am is my time I wake up a lot, definitely have opened my phone to full blindness before.

Today's plan is to take out the dog who is staring at me (oh just kidding Scott is taking them out) and then work on my little leprechauns some more. Not sure what I'll get into once those are done. 

1 comment:

  1. Such a lovely family!!! Looks like you had a lot of fun celebrating together!! HUGS!! Happy Week!


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