Saturday, December 4, 2021


Good morning happy Saturday! It's almost noon here already. I'm glad I got to sleep in a bit to make up for my 4am time haha. That seems to be my new wake up time.

Yesterday when we didn't have any power I cut my recent scraps into 1" and 1.5" strips. I finished that up just now. My scrap box is getting pretty full so I'm going to have to make something with them soon! I have a big bag of black scraps that aren't all cleaned up into strips yet so that will probably what I work on first when I play with those.

Here is the cute Strawberry Shortcake bags that wouldn't load yesterday.

I worked at the office until a little after 4 yesterday then went to Dick's Sporting goods to see if they had any darts to add to our collection. I got a set, some tips and flags. When Scott got home he had went to Big 5 and done the same. We won three out of seven games last night. I won one myself and got two low tons so that was cool. I caved and had two drinks last night. Didn't have any more fun than if I hadn't drank though so probably done with that haha.

I got a present in the mail! Chris from Diet Coke Rocks sent me this lovely table runner all the way from New Zealand! So sweet! I need to make a nice table setting and set it all out. Thanks so much Chris!

My twins looking out the window. 

It has been so foggy here lately. Scary to have my kids driving in it! My neighbor said she prayed for Trevor when she heard him leaving for work yesterday because it is so bad.

Well that's all the excitement here. Guess I'll work on my sewing! The next two Saturdays I have craft shows so this is my last quiet weekend for a bit.


1 comment:

  1. So glad it got to you! There's heaps of New Zealand fabric in that runner.


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