Friday, December 3, 2021


Hello Happy Friday!

Today has been fun! Scott woke me up like 500 times last night/this morning. First he was trying to charge his phone by stealing my phone charger that was attached to my phone behind the bed. Dropped my phone on the floor I think (or his phone). Then it was a bunch of light when his phone kept turning on. Snoring. Snoring. Oh now it's the alarm going off at 4:30 am (I was actually already awake). He hit snooze three times. I was about ready to snooze him! He finally left and then Trevor warmed his truck up forever. I fell asleep after he left. When it was time to get up the power was out. JOY! Laid in bed for awhile before getting up. We didn't have any water either since our whole area is on a well with no back up generator (WHY?). Finally the power came on at 10:30 but not the internet. Washed my hair and drove in to work since I had to do my time card today. Get here and I don't have my work keys since Trevor took the mail key and it's on the same keyring. Had to call into the office and TG someone answered that was here to open the door.

So got my time card done. Might as well work til 4 now lol.

Here is what I got done sewing last night minus one group picture that refuses to load.

The little blue and white coin purses are my favorite so far. Might have to keep one.

I watched this movie. At first I was like why is this rated so high? It was pretty slow. BUT THEN the ending makes up for it all if you paid attention! Still thinking about it lol.

This was a pretty cute movie minus the bad singing.

I got a quesadilla from the corner place by my work. So nice they have signs all over masks required and only one employee is wearing a mask and I was the only customer in there with one on. Either we all wear them or no one, lets get this together. This place used to be really good but their portions keep getting smaller and the prices go up. I ordered a large soda before I saw the price of 3.99. yes it is big but I won't order one again there. 

Ok guess I should do some more work while I'm here!

Darts tonight, I hope we win :)


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