Wednesday, December 22, 2021


Good morning happy 3 days before Christmas Wednesday!

Yesterday Trevor and I got the rest of the Christmas shopping done! I got everything wrapped and under the tree except for my niece's present that is supposed to come tomorrow. I am also going to pick up a gift card for my dad for 7-11 and maybe some scratchers, that's all he needs to be happy lol. He goes to 7-11 every day for a coffee and a newspaper. I got all of my one brother's kids gift cards so I need to figure out what I'm putting those into also.

My star still looks stupid on the tree. I think it's a given it will stay that way lol.

Yesterday was my nephew Tony's 19th birthday. My mom sent me this. All grown up. My mom's house looks cute in the background too.

I bought myself this when we went shopping the other day. I've made a couple Tik Toks with sewing so I thought it would work great for that! Also just the light and phone holder part is cool since I always watch You Tube or Netflix on my phone while I'm sewing. It kind of reminds me of the Dr Octopus guy from Spiderman haha.

Today's plan!

Need to get out the cookie list to see what I need to buy for tomorrow's cookie fest. I took tomorrow off so today is my last work day til next week. 

TG Trevor got Christmas off so none of my kids are working this year. I'm a little sad thinking that some day Trevor will move out of state and maybe not be here for Christmas.

Need to clean up the house a bit and I should probably do laundry and take out all the storage boxes that are all over.

After work I'll go to the grocery store and get the cookie stuff, lasagna stuff for Christmas. Need to figure out what we are having for breakfast on Christmas too. The kids wanted to go to Scott's mom's house on Christmas Eve but she doesn't want pizza. She's so damn picky IDK what to get. Scott said maybe like a cold cut tray. I hate sandwiches like that but maybe that is what we'll do. Blech. Can't just leave that for him to figure out then we won't have anything haha (saying that from experience..)

Well that's all I've got for this morning. ONWARD CHRISTMAS WARRIORS haha

1 comment:

  1. STOP! You are on TikTok??? I love TicTok! Every since Covid started me and my nieces are dancing freaks on TikTok! Go you - great using it for crafting instead of making a fool of yourself like me - HAHA! Your tree is adorable and I love the star! It is standing tall and proud! Congrats on getting everything purchased and wrapped - I am almost there!! I hope you have a blessed and wonderful Christmas! Hugs


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