Saturday, October 23, 2021


Good morning happy Saturday! 

This morning is a little weird, we're almost like empty nesters! 
Trevor had to go to work nice and early and we of course did not haha.
Lucy approves.

Last night we got our asses beat by drunk Wendy's dart team. We didn't win one single game. Oh well it was fun anyways! Afterwards we hung out with Cassi and played "cricket" on the dart board. That was good practice for trying to hit certain numbers (or you know, close to them haha). 

For work yesterday I finished all 200 some odd letters. Only a few more special ones to do.  I put myself to go into the office on Monday so I can work on getting them mailed out, we'll see if I change my mind on going in on Monday morning ;)

I need to uncover my sewing desk it has a lot of misc junk on it. My mom has been working on cleaning out some of her stuff and she brought over a few things. 

Scott is making bacon and pancakes for breakfast. I've been trying to eat less crap so this is my treat for the day I guess ;) I need to order Instacart or go to the grocery store soon. We are almost out of everything. 

There is karaoke tonight at the bar/kitchen, maybe might go hang out maybe not. I can't sing AT ALL so there will be no signing for me but might be fun to hang out and drink my diet soda.

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