Monday, May 31, 2021

All Done!

Graduation on Saturday went nice and easy. Trevor had to be there by 11:15 so we were there in plenty of time.

Hung out in the car for a few minutes since it was a bit warm. They split the senior class into 3 and had 3 ceremonies to keep it socially distanced. So it was pretty quick!

All done woohoo

I look like an oompa loompa. Going to have to dust off my Lose It app so I'll stop hating myself in pictures.

Inside the "A" building as the kids call it. Saying goodbye to the bull dog ;)

All my kids and Scott (and my parents) all went to Tracy High School.  We only got 4 tickets so it was just our kids and us at the ceremony. I feel bad for larger families, like who do you decide not to invite?

The kids wanted to go to Scott's mom's so she could see him in his gown. She was dressed all pretty and moving around pretty good. She was so happy he came over

Originally we were going to to go out to dinner but Trevor finally decided on Chinese food so we just got it to go and ate it at home.

Look at this cutie pie on my rocking horse. 

Eating dinner with everyone else

My Mom and Dad finally came over! I felt bad for not inviting my brothers but it was pretty last minute and that would have been A LOT of people in my little house. Not quite ready for that many people here yet. Maybe if it was outside but we weren't set up for that.

My friend Cassi. 

A nice picture of Liss & Eric

The baby was cracking up with his dad playing with him and this balloon. I'll have to try and load the video but it hardly ever works on here.

Chilling with grandpa and the cat fishing pole haha

Scott wanted to do a fire and s'mores with the kids so we did. He even cleaned up the chairs for us.

Yesterday I mostly just vegged all day and then worked on putting more of my handmade stuff on Etsy. Still need to go through the keychains and mug cozies but I'm kind of tired of working on those for now.

Need to put in an Instacart order and do some laundry. It's supposed to be like 106 today so I don't really want to do anything haha. They have been having the Memorial Campground Jamboree down at the campgrounds all weekend but I haven't went down there. Maybe next year when we don't have a big event in the middle of it. 

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Friday, May 28, 2021

Last Day of School Woohoo

Good morning! It's the last day of school!! We made it!! I'm officially going to be old with no kids in school. Too bad kids (or anyone) can't afford rent anymore so I can be an empty nester too haha. Although he is kind of fun to be around, even if he is smelly and hides all my forks in his room somewhere.

Yesterday I pulled out all my coffee fabrics and put these on the Facebook groups for sale. Crickets. No one even liked the post. I think I may have not made in into the algorithm or something, I haven't had that happen in a long time. Might try relisting them again next week if nothing sells.

I finished off my 1" scraps I had put together for my string blocks.

Then I put them into bag size along with the other scraps I had (I did the others earlier). Just need to top stitch by the zippers and sew around the edges.

We are going out to dinner tonight to surprise my friend for her birthday. I need to do some laundry too. Can someone do that for me? I hate trekking everything out to the garage and back. My friend gave me 3 bags of tops that she cleaned out of her closet so I've been picking through it for tops every day haha. I really need some bottoms but all the fitting rooms are closed and I have a hard time getting stuff to fit right with my big belly and no ass. Sigh. 

Hope you all have a great day! 


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Thursday, May 27, 2021

Almost Totes Free

Happy 2nd to last day of school! Which is really a no school day since he isn't going in and doesn't have the school lap top anymore.

Yesterday I got off work early and we went to the Modesto JcPenny's to find him a shirt. He found one he liked and a tie so now he is all set! 

When I wasn't doing that I was working on rolling my thinner fabrics onto smaller boards. I am so excited I got 3 more totes emptied!! I am now just down to these 5 and one big and one little in the closet. Three of these are mostly paper stuff (to resell or do projects with) and scrapbooking stuff. One box has some baby blankets and some unfinished quilt tops in it. I am going to put the baby blankets in my room I think and then find a place for the quilt tops. The rest of the boxes are vintage sheets I got for resale and crafting and doilies/embroidered pieces for sewing also. 

The book cases are FULL. Going to do some more destash selling. I think I am going to start with some coffee fabrics I have which are actually in my filing cabinet. Going to keep a fat quarter of each one (1/2 of a 1/2 yard) and sell the rest. I only really use those for mug cozies and maybe some scraps for some zip bags. 

Pretty much have all the like colors together on my smaller boards. Eventually I'll downsize all those too.

This looks messier in the picture than in person lol

And then I decided to work on some more of the strip blocks I had started with the leftover pink and black scraps. I have these 7 done now. I have enough for maybe 5 more. I just love this color combination!

So my plan today is the coffee fabrics I think. I figure that's a small enough project not to be totally overwhelming. If I pick a theme every day or so I'll have everything downsized in no time ;)

Looks like this will be our last few days of cooler weather before the hot weather gets here. Boo I hate it when it is over 100. I'm glad I didn't sign up for anymore outdoor events!

Ok off to do something productive. Have a great day!


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Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Almost there!

GUYS!! I'm so happy my kid is going to graduate! Woohoo
I kind of think any kid who is a senior this year should just get a pass because this school year was effed up. Poor kids. They are having a graduation ceremony on Saturday. They are breaking the graduation up into THREE. He will be in the middle one according to our last name. So nice and warm time at noon. 

Today they have school from home but they have already turned in their laptops so I guess it's a no school day? Weird. Tomorrow he has school at school. He was saying he might not go but I told him he should go and hang out. Last couple days of being a kid before adulthood starts.

Last night we went to try and find pants and a shirt for him to wear. You still can't try clothes on anywhere. We got a pair of pants which luckily fit but couldn't find a shirt. Might go out today. We found one in Scott's closet that will work if nothing else. 

I went through my blog last night and found all his first day of school pictures!

The "school from home pic" that he humored me with haha.

We finally trimmed off that dead branch on the tree. Going to try and get him to take one before graduation there. Then I'm all done with first day of school pictures! It will be so weird not having any kids in school anymore.

I went and got my eyes checked yesterday. The new place is nice! The only thing I didn't like was having to sit and wait between the tech and the dr. Like just wait until everyone is ready and do it all at once instead of having me sit in this weird spot in a hallway.

My eyes take FOREVER to go back to normal after being dilated. I have light brown/green hazel eyes and they DIE in the sun afterwards. Here is my fancy make shift glasses. I stopped to get a snack on the way home.

Lovely view. Drugs are bad people!

ok I have 3 emails of real work to do today. Woohoo. Guess I should get on that. Hope you all have a great day!

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Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Never Ending Organizing

Good morning! I thought it was Wednesday for about 1/2 an hour but it is only Tuesday. Scott went in to work today. Trevor is currently listening to something with text to speech so that's fun.

Yesterday I sold ALL the patterns I had left! Well all but the 2 people that haven't paid yet. Hopefully they will pay today. It is so weird not having patterns on Etsy now. I had about 800 on Etsy before Covid hit. I sold A LOT of patterns in the beginning of the lock down. Some day when I go back to work I'll probably sell them again. I used to go to the thrift stores and hunt for them on my lunch break and after work destressing. Oh and the Friday flea market sometimes too.

So I filled the empty drawer with fabric! Moved some I had on the book shelf to the drawer so that made more room on the bookshelf.

I am going to re-roll these Holiday fabrics on the smaller boards today and put them on the book case. That emptied out another plastic tote box woohoo
Down to 7 boxes in here. One is full of fabric, 3 are a mix with some vintage sheets and the rest are paper stuff. Some day when I get my fabric all organized I'll work on the paper stuff again. I collected quite a bit to put in an Etsy store. Plus I have my scrapbook stuff too. Yesterday we were looking for some stuff in my room (old video camera and negatives Jess wanted to play with and I was reminded that I still have the closet organizer top in my closet full of scrapbook type stuff. I need to bring that into the sewing/craft room eventually. Once I do that I'll have that room in my closet again. Probably put my sheets and stuff in there.

Jess brought Daniel's sister over yesterday so I could fix up the bodice of her graduation dress for her. Got it all tightened up.  That was about all my excitement around here yesterday other than the neighbor having someone jack hammer ALL DAY yesterday. I had no idea they had that much concrete to jack hammer.

So far no real "work" to do today.  Definitely the "slow" time for me. I'm only working about 1/2 a day anyways. Need to go look at what time I had put that I was taking off. I'm going to try another new eye doctor today. Hopefully this place isn't whack like the last one I went to. I need to get me some old lady glasses so I don't have to keep taking them off and on all the time. I spend more time with them off now at home since I can't read or sew with them on anymore.

Okie dokie have a great day everyone!


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Monday, May 24, 2021

Club Car Show Booth

Hello! Happy Monday! Scott is working from home today. I was kind of sad since it was my alone day when Trevor goes to school but he's mostly outside so I guess it's ok haha. This is the last week of school so my alone days are almost gone until he gets a job. Which hopefully will happen sooner than later! 

Saturday was our "in house" car show in the club with just members and their families. I think they ended up with about 10 cars. I never even checked them out because I was mostly busy in my booth.

I think we had about 6 "booths". The kids LOVED my booth since my stuff is only $5. They bought tons of keychains and the little bags. So funny.

I really liked my layout this time, took me a little bit to remember how I did the zig zag tables. it makes a good flow if you have 2 open sides.

Jess, Daniel and little Daniel all came to hang out all day! Look at our make shift playpen haha. 

We tried putting him on a blanket on the grass but he'd just pull the blanket so he could grab the grass. We are all sensitive to grass so didn't really want him getting that all over him.

Yes he wore several outfits, he's such a little drooler.

Baby and his mommy :)

little family

Me and the babes. Obviously he's the start of the show haha.

I did REALLY good at the car show. I forgot how much my neighbors support me :) Nice end of the spring show season. Now to do an inventory of everything to update my Etsy shop. I want to work on putting more stuff in my shop too. Although I hate doing the pictures and all that.

This was me after the car show. So wiped out. My comfort dogs ;)

Sunday I finished up the top of my whacky pink & black quilt top. Now to put some batting with it and quilt it. I set it aside for a little bit since that takes some concentration I wasn't wanting to do yet. Plus I need to see if I have enough batting and backing material.

I played with the scraps that were left for the rest of the day/night. Going to make some zip bags and then working on some strip blocks. I think strip blocks are my favorite thing lately they are so pretty.

And here is Tina yesterday morning all snuggled up with the curtain. She's so cute haha.

My neighbor is using a jack hammer this morning. They started at 8am. It is so loud. I was trying to do a couple payments for work but the website is currently down.

I sold so many patterns over the last few days. Down to one row in my cabinet and then a stack of the craft ones. I think I am going to list what is left for a buck each and see what happens. Some day when I go back to work I might source them again but the ones I have now I've had for over a year so it's time for them to go! It is weird not having sales from that Etsy shop though!

Ok off to read some blogs and figure out what to do while I wait for the work website to work again. I can't even go into the office to do letters since the copier is dead. I might have to just print things a few times if they don't fix it soon. Hope you all have a great day!


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