Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Babysitting, Work and Life

Hello happy Wednesday!  Yesterday was a long day of work, mostly just going through apps and seeing what I need to scan to have it all uploaded to the system. Super boring. I got a few loads of laundry done but need to do some more today.

This little guy came over around 3 yesterday so his mommy could go get some new clothes and go out to dinner with his daddy. We started off good but then he got cranky.

We went for a little walk in the wagon but it was pretty bright outside for that fair skin so didn't stay out too long. He seemed to like it though. I probably should have got that extra stroller my mom was trying to give me.

He took a little cat nap, I didn't dare move lol

Watched some Shrek when he woke up

He was happy again for a bit but then got mad at me because I was NOT his mommy and he just wasn't having it anymore haha. Luckily they got back just in time. His mom took him and he looked at me like maybe he might like me a little bit again haha. Jess said he went to sleep right after they got home and he slept until 4am so he definitely got worn out at my house!

Scott got home late after going to his mom's to do her shopping. He was all upset because his mom was moaning that she was in pain. Sigh. Poor woman. I told him if she's still in that much pain she needs to go back to the hospital. At least there they can make sure she's getting pain meds regularly. He had to make her take a pain pill when he was there because she won't ever take them on her own (always has some reason-too big/makes her sick/etc). 

Trevor has a dentist appointment at 3 today. Trying to decide if I'm going with him or just sending him with a card to pay for anything that has to get done (just in case). 

I still have a bunch of masks to make so I need to get on those today after work if I don't go with him. 
Oh and I'm feeling all normal day 2 after my vaccine so that is good! Although I read an article about a woman who is stuck in Mexico because she has Covid and she was vaccinated. Of course it doesn't go into detail about what vaccine she had or anything. I'm wondering if these are just going to be like the flu shot where you can get the shot but still get some other strain of the flu it didn't cover. Sounds like it. 

Our county just moved into the red tier finally. There is a recall the governor petition that has got a lot of signatures and is moving onto the next level so I'm guessing that also has something to do with California saying they will be fully open by June. My boss said that the FPAC (what they call the umbrella agency) wants us to open our office by April 14th or something like that. Which is funny since we were just told over and over we'd have 30 days notice before we opened to the public/had to go back into the office. She had a meeting with the other managers in our office building (we have 3 agencies in our one building) yesterday but didn't fill me in on what they came up with. 

Apparently my boss was looking for some files in the office the other day and couldn't find them. I'm pretty sure I made the files but maybe I didn't. Every time I go in I'm trying to do what needs to be done RIGHT NOW but I did spend a few days making up new files. I'm like you can print the stuff off and put it in a file if you need one? IDK drives me nuts. Have everything digitally if it's not printed out so I don't get what the big deal is. Mostly because I know she wanted it to scan it haha. So that will be my next thing to do when I go in the office. Catch up the new apps that don't have files yet. Yes they do not MAGICALLY APPEAR I have to make them. People don't seem to get that. Kind of hard to do when you are mostly working from home.

Ok off my soap box for the morning haha. I have like 4 things that I need to do for work then just busy work stuff. Yeah fun fun. Hope you all have a great day!


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Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

ooh your poor mother in law. Does she live alone? Maybe if she lived in a facility with others around her she'd feel better. Maybe not.
I just love those fat rolls on the baby's thighs. I have them too but they aren't so cute on me. :-)

Julie H said...

@Peg, my sister in law lives with her but she is a bit mentally slow. My MIL would never want to live in any kind of facility she high tailed it out of the home my fil was in when he broke his hip and I couldn't find her lol.

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