Friday, March 5, 2021

Vaccines Time? Keychains, Netflix, Etc

Good morning! Happy Friday woohoo the weekend is almost here. Of course I have no plans but that is fine with me.

We just got an email that we can get the vaccine now because we work for Food & Agriculture. I made an appointment for Monday. Hopefully we don't all become mutants.

Also put myself on the work calendar for working in the office on Tuesday. I need to catch up all the printing and filing that I need to do so I can stop stressing about it. 

Yesterday after work I cleaned off the front patio and all the dry grass Scott left on the brick walkway last weekend. Every time I took the dogs out I'd end up with grass all over me. I started soaking the hedges too since I want to work on weeding around them. I couldn't do a whole lot since my hips were bothering me again. I'm like maybe I have cancer. Then I'm like maybe I just need to lose weight. Going with the weight is probably the answer.

Scott fixed my friend Cassi's bike for her so we are going to attempt to ride bikes after work today. Need to go look for a bike for myself to ride. Hopefully there is one out there that doesn't have flat tires. I still want to buy a new cheap mountain type bike to ride around the club with. 

I worked on some keychains last night. The ones I am working on were already cut out in my box of future stuff to work on. I got 3 finished last night.

I watched this Netflix movie Moxie last night. I kind of feel like it tried too hard. Overall the message was good but I think it is a bit overboard. Definitely made for the teenage girl crowd.

Well that's all I've got for today. Hope everyone has a good weekend! I have a pile of keychains I'm going to work on and maybe some yard work if my body doesn't act like it's 100 years old.
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