Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Scrappy Red Quilt Squares

 Good morning! Its a bit cold here this morning! Glad I have this little portable heater in my office/sewing room. Snookie is sure enjoying it. Maybe before I die I'll get central heat and air in my house.

I was busy with work all day yesterday and then I just flipped my chair around and played with my scrap project. 

I ended up with 4 squares out of the red strips

and then worked on a bag of blue strips. In the bag I had A LOT of keychain strips already made up. I made a few more with the cute prints I had 

and the rest of the pieces went into this big strip roll I made. I am going to make some more 6" blocks with these after work.

Nothing too exciting here but I kind of like my world not being filled with drama ;)

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1 comment:

Annsterw said...

A no drama day is the best kind! Seems to be my normal right now since I don’t leave the house! Ha ha!!!

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