Good morning! Dragging ass this morning for some reason. I went to bed really early too. Yesterday I went into the office and worked an extra 2 hours. Finally got all those packets sent out. I put all the new applications I've received into folders and printed out everything I had for them and filed a bunch of stuff.
I got us In & Out for dinner, hung out in the kitchen for a bit and then went to bed. Exciting lol.
Monday night the kids came over for a bit and brought my favorite baby. Snookie is cracking me up in this picture. She gets so excited when he gets here and has to smell him like crazy.
His hair is so cute. He was sleeping the whole time he was over. He had another check up and he's already gained over a pound and 2 inches in length. Amazing how they grow right before your eyes.
Today's plan is to work on all the letters I wrote last week. All 133 of them have to be fixed up because someone sent out a new letter on Friday at 3:30pm that is slightly different. PACEPALM. At least I get paid by the hour.
After work I want to finish up the dog bags I was working on. Someone on Etsy asked me to make a mug rug for them but I want to get the other stuff finished up first.
Hope you all have a great day!
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What a beautiful baby. I love the hair standing up. :-)
Fun being a Grandma isn't it? They go home and when they wake up all night you don't know that is even happening. :-)
@Peg right? lol He's so cute :)
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