I like the white tent a lot better, it measures the same size but it is bigger. I think maybe because the other legs were more slanted? Someday I'll actually make some tablecloths that look nicer. I keep meaning to do it then forget or get too busy.
I ended up taking one strip of elastic off the mug cozies so they'd be easier for people to look through. I got a lot of compliments from people on my boards. Must have been people that also had their stuff fly off the tables!
The morning was super busy. I was wishing I had one of my girls there to help but then it was lunch time and it slowed down (and the girls showed up lol) and at 2 it started to rain and pretty much died down except for a couple sales.
My next show I've signed up for is back by the movie theater April 14th. Hopefully it won't be windy or rain!
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Your set up looks really great! It's a lot of work. I admire you for that!
Your tent is so colorful that if I were there I would be drawn to your area!
Great job Julie.
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