Thursday, December 22, 2016

Senior Pictures

My sister in law took Melissa's senior pictures for me. OMG they are amazing!  I still need to download them all from the website.

Before we left we went to her house and I got some selfie time with Emma. She loved looking at herself in the front facing camera on my phone. THAT'S ME THAT'S ME!!  So cute.

Then we went down the road to this really cool place that has all these areas for photo props. It's a horse ranch and then the gal rents out time slots for people to go around her property and take pictures. Talk about a smart way to make some money eh?

Snuck this picture of Michele and Melissa

I love this picture with the light coming in the barn

Check her out! So pretty and that sunset!

More to come soon!

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1 comment:

Karyn said...

Those pics are gorgeous, Julie, and these kiddos of ours sure do grow up quick!
Have a wonderful holiday

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