Thursday, September 22, 2016

Hula Girl Cupcake Toppers

At all our neighborhood club parties we have the cake booth game, and all the cakes are donated. It costs a quarter to play one square! This is actually a great money maker at our parties and usually brings in somewhere between $100-$200.

Lately I've been trying to make something to donate. I like to get a cheap plastic plate and make cupcakes. This will make two or more donations for just a couple dollars.

This time I decided to make some cute cupcake toppers. I found this cute hula girl image online and I was able to separate them so that I could use one girl at a time for my toppers.

The toppers also make it so that the plastic wrap doesn't get stuck to the icing.

Here's Robert with his winnings. What a cheater, they just bought some cookies from the store ;)

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Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...
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Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

oops - typo above -
Julie, you make my life look so boring with all your festivities. :-(

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